LibSIS is an interactive soil information interface designed with required Soil Information on Liberia(NIMBA) about soil forming factors, secondary and primary data, soil parameters at the services for targeted beneficiaries, farmers, learning institutions, concession areas, etc.


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About LibSIS - Webpage on Liberia Soil Information system

LibSIS – Webpage on Liberia Soil Information system we developed for our client based in Liberia. We built a complete solution that allows anyone to access information on Liberia Soil, An Interactive map, and the latest news in the Liberia soil sector.

There are seven components of the webpage – Home, About Us, Services, PUBLICATIONS, Primary Data, Secondary Data, Contact Us, and a Search Engine.

The Home page has a hero section with a call to action and a slider that is beautifully structured. After the hero section is the Recent ACTIVITIES that highlight the current events in Liberia’s soil information system. After the recent activities are the Sponsor and Partners section that highlights the sponsor and partners’ logos.

The About Us page has a hero section that has a call to action that is beautifully structured. After the hero section is the About the project section which highlights the project background, after this section is the Stakeholders Engagements which has information on Stakeholders’ Engagements. After the Stakeholders Engagements section is the Team section, this section showcases the team members and little brief information on them.

The Services page has a hero section with a call to action and a slider that is beautifully designed and structured. After the hero section is the list of services section and below the service is the form to contact the ministry of Agriculture for any of the above services.

The PUBLICATIONS page holds all the news and events on Liberia Soil Information System.


  1. The Primary Data page has a hero section with a call to action that is beautifully designed and structured, After the hero section is the list of primary soil data in Liberia and a form to request more information on primary soil data in Liberia.
  2. The Secondary Data page has a hero section with a call to action that is beautifully designed and structured, After the hero section is the list of secondary soil data in Liberia and a form to request more information on secondary soil data in Liberia.

The contact Us page holds all the necessary information to contact the ministry. what is a website if your users can’t contact you? At CYGEC IT SOLUTIONS, INC. we make that possible.

Our client is from Rome, The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is an international organization that leads international efforts to defeat hunger and improve nutrition and food security. They were founded on 16 October 1945, and they have sub-branches around the world. They came to us as they wanted to digitalize the entire workflow. The process was done on paper and locally. We developed and designed a good structure and beautiful webpage on the Liberia Soil Information system that has replaced this and completely automated the entire process.

We Solve Real Problems

Features of the website

Reporting Cases Form

Just with few easy steps, you can report a case. No Computer knowledge is required.


Talking with a doctor or counselor has never been easy but, with just a tap you are connected to chat about your problems.

Connect With Doctor

You will be able to chat with a doctor be it through text, voice, or video call.

Connect With Counsellor

Will allow you that speak to a counselor in case you need advice.

Contact The Police

Will allow you to contact the police.

Quick Messaging

Messaging a doctor or counselor has been made easier with SavApp. A doctor can connect with a doctor or counselor vase vessel and they can chat. All they need to do is download the app, login, and connect to a doctor, counselor.

Send video & Audio

Will allow the users of the app to submit an emergency video or audio in case of emergency.


Will show the latest news from SavApp.

Offline Case Report

It Will allows you to report a case or cases, send emergency video or audio offline when there is no internet connection

Courage J F T Chileegbo

Chief Technology Officer / Developer

Charles G. Kpan Jr.

Managing Director / Designer

Leo H. Cater


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